The First Date
Hey guys today was my first exchange meeting with AFS (the company that runs the program). It was fantastic and it has only heightened my excitement about going on the trip next year. I also had my first crispy creme donut ever at the meeting. Everyone was very friendly and got on like we were old friends which is really cool. Basically everyone introduced themselves and then some people that were leaving for paraguay in a couple of days quickly spoke and good byes were said etc. Then one of the girls who came back from Germany last year got up and spoke about her trip it got me really interested in thinking about the experiences I'll have while i'm away so i think its gonna be really cool. yay. anyway the meeting was really good because my dad got to ask some questions about his concerns and many of them were adressed. it was also really good because it gave my parents a chance to see that im not the only kid in the world that wants to do exchange and that everyone had similarities in their personality this showed my parents that i should be able to cope. all in all its gonna be great more updates to come also i have reached the $1500 Aud mark out of $9500 Aud and i have a little more than a year till i leave plus spending money. but im getting there. Anyway i need to stop my rambling now so ill keep you posted later on.